So, since like third grade, ive had long curly hair. Even my own grandparents sometimes mistaked me for a girl! But, for the past month, i decided i wanted it short!!! Just to see peoples reactions. So, on thursday afternoon, i went to my haircut place and said i wanted it short. He looked at me with a puzzled look, because he'd been my haircutter for a long time. He said "Okay," and got out the buzzer thing. I got REALLY nervous because i dont like those things. So, it got cut really short and got styled really cool. Now, its curly spikes on the top/front area and almost shaved everywhere else. I look much better and at the last day of school yesterday, the responses:
3 didnt like it
about 7 people asked who i was
at least 10 (hot) girls stared at me, jaws hanging down
and basically everybody liked it
i heart my new haircut.